About Us
KDH Engineering Ltd. is one of the leading engineering companies in Bangladesh. KDH commence its business in the country in the early 90’s. Since its inception, the company has been very focused into its purposes of providing best quality products & services to its esteemed customers.
KDH is a unique organization dealing with diverse engineering solutions as product & service such as Busbar Trunking System, Switchgear Panel & Board, Lightning Protection, Surge Protection, Earthing System and Acoustics System. To provide the above mentioned products & services as according to customer inquiries, KDH has joined forces with world renowned partners who are global leaders in their respective industries.
KDH Engineering Ltd. is proud to announce that it is the authorized distributor of followings:
From the price-concerned applications to the turn-key solutions, whether it is industrial or commercial projects, KDH provides best solution for every project & takes pride in all the services it carries out.
By providing best products coupled with quality services & countrywide operations made KDH one of the renowned engineering solution providers in the country. We wish to grow together with our esteemed customer by providing best solutions and extend our reach in the country with maintaining our reputation.



